Monday, June 30, 2008

ROBOTcinta: ding aku ka?
ROBOTcinta: br mangkit tidoQ
ROBOTcinta: haha

the_saru _santastic: woi
ROBOTcinta: woi la hg
ROBOTcinta: tgk dak lagi?

the_saru _santastic: haa
the_saru _santastic: dah
ROBOTcinta: lepas tuh
the_saru _santastic: rancut
the_saru _santastic: boleh2
ROBOTcinta: rancut?
ROBOTcinta: boleh2??

the_saru _santastic: style
ROBOTcinta: style la pulak
ROBOTcinta: aku dpt idea time berak semalam
ROBOTcinta: hahaha

the_saru _santastic: rancut tu rancak laa
the_saru _santastic: aku pon ada buat smalam
the_saru _santastic: aku sketch aja
ROBOTcinta: ada ka?
ROBOTcinta: mana?
ROBOTcinta: oh sketch ja?

ROBOTcinta: yg disket tuh ada tak
the_saru _santastic: kalau nak tgk aku snap laa
the_saru _santastic: nak tgk ka
ROBOTcinta: bole2
ROBOTcinta: nak2
the_saru _santastic: ni hg masuk ym ka web
ROBOTcinta: ym
ROBOTcinta: web apa barang
ROBOTcinta: haha
the_saru _santastic: ok sat aku keluaq
ROBOTcinta: ok2
the_saru _santastic: kot2 kat opis hg xleh install
ROBOTcinta: dan2 bz
ROBOTcinta: hahah
the_saru _santastic: haha
ROBOTcinta: wei lagu sublime
ROBOTcinta: tau kan'

the_saru _santastic: poyo boh gambag sndiri
the_saru _santastic: gila glem
ROBOTcinta: abih nak bubuh pic sapa
ROBOTcinta: aku pun chat ngan hg ja

the_saru _santastic has canceled the invitation to start photo sharing.

ROBOTcinta: nak sent tterus la
ROBOTcinta: apa la
ROBOTcinta: haha

the_saru _santastic: sat laa
You have sent 1 file to the_saru _santastic.
weezer - weezer - buddy holly.mp3
the_saru _santastic: wei amek laa
ROBOTcinta: sat
ROBOTcinta: haha

You have received 5 files from the_saru _santastic.
Reveal Files (Alt+Shift+O)
the_saru _santastic: gesign hg td tu style
the_saru _santastic: sempoi
ROBOTcinta: depa yg kasi kat aku
ROBOTcinta: aku canai balik ja

the_saru _santastic: ok la
the_saru _santastic: sempoi
ROBOTcinta: sat
ROBOTcinta: aku ada keja

the_saru _santastic: lorr
the_saru _santastic: abai kan
ROBOTcinta: aku tgk hg punya pun sempoi
ROBOTcinta: haha

the_saru _santastic: dah tgk lum
the_saru _santastic: tloq chichak
the_saru _santastic: haha
ROBOTcinta: haha
ROBOTcinta: dah tgk dah

the_saru _santastic: bg la lagu yg xdak gi kaa
You have sent 1 file to the_saru _santastic.
weezer - hash pipe - hash pipe (from cd).mp3
ROBOTcinta: btuoi ka
You have sent 1 file to the_saru _santastic.
i want a girl who will laugh for no.mp3
ROBOTcinta: aku sukaaaa sangat idea ni,
memang bagus
tapi kalau kita letak love warna merah kat tempat kosong tu pun ok jugak kan?
menunjukkan jantung kita?
ROBOTcinta: wei
ROBOTcinta: nih yune kasi
ROBOTcinta: kalu yg kosong letak love?
ROBOTcinta: jd mcm mana?
the_saru _santastic: ermm...
You have sent 1 file to the_saru _santastic.
pearl jam - j yellow ledbetter.mp3
the_saru _santastic: ok
the_saru _santastic: yg lain putih
the_saru _santastic: love red laa
ROBOTcinta: mcm tuh la
ROBOTcinta: takpa2
ROBOTcinta: kita dan lagi bt keja
ROBOTcinta: haha
the_saru _santastic: my wording aku tu camna
the_saru _santastic: branchedhead
ROBOTcinta: ok2 sgt2
ROBOTcinta: yg nih kalu kita main kat tee hitam
ROBOTcinta: lawa tuh

the_saru _santastic: tuh la pasai
the_saru _santastic: putih pon ok gak
You have sent 1 file to the_saru _santastic.
03 - canadian idiot(2)(2).mp3
ROBOTcinta: iu la
ROBOTcinta: yg mcm lrt punya laluan tuh
ROBOTcinta: pun ok2
ROBOTcinta: suma2 yg hg kasi
ROBOTcinta: leh pakai sgt2
ROBOTcinta: lepas tuh kita olah
ROBOTcinta: relax2
the_saru _santastic: bukan boleh pakai
the_saru _santastic: sanggup pakai
ROBOTcinta: sanggup
ROBOTcinta: sanggup
ROBOTcinta: dia nampak sempoi

1 comment:

Ayuni Jamaluddin said...

school boys day tu macam gempak je buat tee
buat 2 versi ; school girls day
mesti lagi bes.

pasal nama dah ok sangat branchedhead.